AUN-BE Virtual Meetings

Period of 2014 – 2015

After the completion of AGBEP 14th Annual Meeting in Penang, Malaysia, it was agreed that the network will hold a virtual meeting routinely. There are two kinds of virtual meetings; the monthly steering committee virtual meeting and quarterly all members virtual meeting. The main purpose of the virtual meetings is to rebuild the closeness and bond between members. Specifically, the monthly virtual meeting is designed for the steering committee members to discuss on important network issues and plan the network activities. The discussions and plans arranged by the steering committee are disseminated and sought for approval to all members through the quarterly virtual meetings. Since November 2014, AUN-BE has held 7 steering committee virtual meetings and 2 all member virtual meetings. The details of the meeting are as follows:
  • Steering Committee Virtual Meeting
    Date Participants Discussions
    20 November 2014 UBD, Chulalongkorn University, USM, UGM AUN-BE Strategic Road Map Draft
    18 December 2014 UBD, Chulalongkorn University, USM, UGM AUN-BE Strategic Road Map Revised Draft, Early discussion on AUN-BE 15th AGM
    22 January 2015 UBD, Chulalongkorn University, USM, NUS, UGM AUN-BE Strategic Implementation Plan Draft, AUN-BE Activity Plan Draft, Fomulation of AUN-BE vision, preparation for the first all members virtual meeting
    16 April 2015 UBD, Chulalongkorn University, USM, UP Diliman, UGM Preparation for AUN-BE 15th Annual General Meeting
    21 May 2015 UBD, Chulalongkorn University, USM, UGM AUN BE Collaboration Guideline Matrix
    1 July 2015 UBD, Chulalongkorn University, USM, UGM AUN-BE Collaboration Guideline Matrix, Technical preparation of the AUN-BE 15th AGM
    27 August 2015 UGM, UBD Final preparation of the AUN-BE 15th AGM
  • All Members Virtual Meeting
    Date Participants Discussions
    10 March 2015 Strategic Road Map Dissemination, the secretariat invited all member to propose strategic activities
    9 July 2015 Finalization of the AUN-BE 15th Annual General Meeting agenda Journal Exhibition Strategic Goal Groups

Period of 2017 – 2018

AUN-BE is committed to arrange two kinds of virtual meetings, namely (1) the virtual meeting for all members and (2) the virtual meeting for steering committee. The first virtual meeting is to be conducted quarterly and shall attend to matters such as promoting events from members, listing the candidates of affiliates, identifying the resources of the center of excellence. The second virtual meeting is supposed to discuss strategic issues of the network that should be followed up immediately by AUN-BE steering committee, such as technical preparations for the next annual general meeting. In 2017-2018 period, AUN-BE conducted 1 and 2 virtual meetings for all members and steering committee, respectively.